Trilliums in Northern Ontario
Northern Ontario



Northern Stories - �mile Maheu

Below is the English version of
Legend of the Northern Lights, Aurora Borealis.

La l�gende des aurores bor�ales

Lorsque le conflit apocalyptique a eu lieu dans le ciel, les phalanges c�lestes qui admiraient Lucibel, le plus beau et le plus puissant des �tres apr�s Dieu lui-m�me, �taient l�gions. Quand Lucibel venait s'entretenir avec Dieu le Tr�s-Haut, il �tait accompagn� de plusieurs myriades d'anges, de Tr�nes, de Dominations et de S�raphins qui jouaient des instruments de musique aux assonances divines ravissantes.
Un jour, ou plut�t, un temps, le Tr�s-Haut �nonce ses desseins � Lucibel,
� Le processus de la cr�ation est � son apog�e et j'ai cr�� l'homme � notre ressemblance. Cependant, je pr�vois une difficult�. Cet �tre va me d�sob�ir et je vais le ch�tier en le chassant du Paradis. Pour le racheter, je vais lui envoyer un Sauveur, issu de mon amour le Saint-Esprit. Ce R�dempteur, mon Fils, poss�dera la nature divine et la nature humaine puis, tout l'univers, le ciel inclus, devra se prosterner devant Lui.
Gonfl� par l'orgueil, Lucibel d�clare pr�somptueusement.
- Non serviam! Je ne me prosternerai jamais devant une cr�ature humaine. Je suis sup�rieur, aussi intelligent et aussi puissant que Vous. Je commande les forces du ciel et je vous d�fie de me contraindre � adorer un �tre qui m'est inf�rieur. S'ensuivent alors des pourparlers, des discussions et des controverses tr�s longues qui se terminent par le combat entre ciel et terre.
< Alors une bataille s'engagea dans le ciel. Michel et ses anges combattirent le dragon.>
Pendant les affrontements, une multitude, inclus le choeur des anges musiciens, h�sitait pour quel parti prendre: Lucibel ou Dieu.
Lorsque le grand conflit final se termina par la victoire de l'Archange Saint-Michel, Dieu pr�cipita Lucibel et ses innombrables suivants au fond des enfers.
< On le jeta donc l'�norme Dragon � sept t�tes, l'antique Serpent, Satan,> Lucifer ou le Diable, comme on l'appelle depuis ce temps.
Cependant les phalanges qui avaient h�sit� dans leur loyaut� avaient remis leur confiance en Dieu mais le Tout-Puissant ne pouvaient pas les accepter dans son paradis avant qu'ils expient leur acte de r�bellion.
Pour leur donner la chance de se racheter et �tre r�admis au paradis, Dieu, dans sa grande bont� les exila dans l'atmosph�re de la terre qu'il venait de cr�er.
< Ils descendirent du ciel, envelopp�s d'une nu�e, un arc-en-ciel, le visage comme le soleil et les jambes comme des colonnes de feu.>
< Les cavaliers portaient des cuirasses de feu et de la bouche de leur monture sortaient, des flammes, de la fum�e et du souffre.>
Avec leurs instruments brillants, ils devinrent des corps lumineux qui dansent dans l'espace par les nuits claires sans nuage
On les appelle les Aurores Bor�ales et ils sont dispers�s dans l'immensit� <jusqu'� la fin du monde pour les si�cles des si�cles.>

Leurs reflets sont si ordonn�s, qu'on peut distinguer, les tuyaux d'orgues g�ants dans la vo�te noire, les harpes aux cordes lumineuses, sous les �toiles qui scintillent. Plus loin, �parpill�s dans l'espace, des reflets mobilis�s en r�giments ressemblent � des fl�tes, des trompettes de cavalerie, de l� le nom de clairons qu'on leur attribue. Parfois ils prennent la forme d'un voile de mari�e. On les appelle aussi des marionnettes parce que leurs mouvements dans l'espace semblent activ�s par des fils invisibles, gr�ce auxquels ils dansent et se d�placent all�grement sous la voie lact�e.
Les S�raphins et les Ch�rubins exil�s dans l'espace continuent � jouer leurs concerts c�lestes, et r�guli�rement ils se livrent � des danses tout � fait spectaculaires principalement en automne et en hiver. Ils endossent alors des couleurs f�eriques �clatantes de beaut�.
�loign�s de la terre, la musique harmonieuse de leurs concerts ne se rend pas jusqu'� nos oreilles, mais nous pouvons contempler les danses farandoliennes qu'ils ex�cutent aux sons des m�lodies que les musiciens de la terre font. Cette musique leur pla�t beaucoup surtout si elle est faite � l'ext�rieur en plein air. Alors on peut jouir de leurs rondes d�lirantes qui s'avancent vers la terre et qui reculent en unisson comme des danseurs de lignes.
Maintes fois, Lucifer a tent� d'envoyer des mauvais esprits d�chus pour renforcer leurs phalanges et y exercer ses pouvoirs; mais sans succ�s, car Saint Michel, l'�toile Polaire du cosmos, avec son �p�e � pouvoirs divins, veille sur eux et en plus interdit l'acc�s au paradis terrestre.
Ce sont ces chatoyantes illuminations que l'on peut admirer dans le ciel par les beaux temps clairs. On les appelles des Marionnettes, parfois des Clairons, *Northern Lights.* mais on les conna�t surtout par leur nom populaire: *Les Aurores Bor�ales* ou Aurora Bor�alis.
Le Festival Bor�al � Sudbury.
En plusieurs endroits sur la plan�te on f�te leurs s�jour lumineux par des concerts, mais c'est � Sudbury en Ontario qu'� lieu le *Northern Lights Festival Bor�al* chaque ann�e au mois de juillet.

Cette l�gende est un produit de l'imagination de Ange-�mile Maheu Des Hazards. Janvier 2000 �
Citations inspir�s du livre de l'Apocalypse

Legend of The Northern lights or Aurora Borealis

When the apocalyptic conflict took place in the Heavens, there were legions of celestial phalanxes who admired Lucibel, the most beautiful and most powerful being after God himself, When Lucibel met with the Almighty, he was always accompanied by a multitude of Angels, Thrones, Dominations, Seraphims and other celestial hosts who played heavenly music on divine instruments.
One day, or rather, one time, the Almighty shared his plans with Lucibel thus:
� The process of creation has reached its apogee and I have created man in our image. However, I foresee a certain difficulty. This creature will disobey my order and I will punish him with expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Nevertheless, because of my great love for him, he will be redeemed for I am sending a Saviour on earth. This Redeemer, my Son will possess both the divine and the human natures, and the whole universe, Heaven included, will have to bow before him.
Bursting with pride, Lucibel declared presumptuously:
- Non serviam! I will never prostrate myself before a human being. I am his superior. I am as intelligent and as powerful as You. I command the forces of Heaven, and I defy You to compel me to adore a being inferior to me.
There then followed interminable talks, discussions and controversies which ended with the cataclysmic combat between heaven and earth.
-And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels going forth to war with the dragon.
During the confrontation, a multitude from the choir of musical angels hesitated in choosing sides. Should they follow Lucibel? Should they remain faithful to God?
When the great conflict ended with the victory of the Archangel Michael, God hurled Lucibel and his innumerable followers to the depth of hell.
-And the great dragon with seven heads was cast down, the old serpent, he that is called the Devil and Satan.
Lucifer or the Demon, as we call him since.
The phalanxes whose loyalty had been badly lacking, again placed their confidence in God. But the Almighty could not accept them in his paradise before they had atoned for their act of rebellion
And so to give them an opportunity to redeem themselves and be readmitted into Paradise, God, in his infinite mercy, exiled them to the atmosphere of that earth which he had just created.
-And I saw them coming down from heaven clothed with a cloud and a rainbow and their faces were shining as the sun and their legs were pillars of fire.
-The horses and them that sat on them, having breastplates as of fire... and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.
With their bright musical instruments, they became luminous bodies dancing in the deep space, and they can be seen on clear cloudless skies.
We call them Northern Lights and they are scattered throughout the immense universe where they will "stay for ever and ever until the end of time."

Their reflections are so clear that we can distinguish the giant organ pipes in the black canopy of the heavens, and see the luminous cords of the harps twinkling beneath the stars. At a distance, spread out in space, beautiful reflexions mobilized in vast regiments resemble flutes and cavalry trumpets, and this explain the name which they were given: clarion. At times, they take the shape of a bride's veil. They are also called puppets because their movements in space seem to be controlled by invisible strings which make them dance and move merrily along the Milky Way.

The Seraphims and Cherubims exiled in deep space continue to play their celestial concerts, and regularly do they give us truly spectacular dances, especially during autumn and winter when they take on fairy-like colours all sparkling with beauty.
Being so very far away from earth, the beautiful harmony of their concerts cannot reach our ears, but we can witness their graceful movements, dancing to the rhythm of melodies played by earth's musician. This music pleases them a great deal especially if played outdoors. It is then that we are privileged to see them dancing in delirious circles or ebbing and flowing back and forth always in unison like graceful line dancers.
Many times Lucifer tried to send his fallen cohorts to join their phalanxes and to exercise his powers over them, but always he failed. Saint Michael the North Star of the Cosmos, watches over his own with his faithful sword which is now invested with divine powers. Thus undesirable beings are denied access to the Garden of Eden
Today the repentant cohorts are the shimmering illuminations we can admire in the sky on lovely clear cool nights.
They are called "Marionnettes" Puppets, sometimes Clarion, or Northern Lights, but we know them specifically by their popular scientific name, Aurora Borealis.

The Northern Lights Festival Bor�al of Sudbury
Many places on earth have special concerts to celebrate these blazing illuminations, but it is in Sudbury Ontario that the Northern Lights Festival Bor�al takes place in July, every year.

This legend is the product of the imagination of A-�mile Maheu Des Hazards Azilda Ontario. January 2000 �
Translation from French is the work of Mrs Marie Wiss of Sudbury
Quotations from the Book of Revelations.


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