Trilliums in Northern Ontario
Northern Ontario



Spirituality and Self Help

Light and Love with Lilo Garich 
The Diary of a Journey

Part I

I was recently asked to speak to a group of family and friends. The Lady who had invited me voiced the question �What do I tell people it is all about?�. It occurred to me that this is the mirror image of what has gone through my mind many, many times, except by now it has formulated itself into �HOW do I tell people what it is all about?�.

It really is very simple, albeit not always easy. It is all about the questions that we have been seeking answers for, relating to every part of our lives.

  • Why am I unhappy in my relationships, either at home or at work?
  • How come I feel so unfulfilled?
  • Why don�t I have any money?
  • Why am I suffering from ill health?
  • Indeed, why am I suffering at all?
  • What is this life all about?
  • WHO AM I?

Each one of those questions warrants equal time, so for today I would like to share some of my answers with you. I will start with the last question, since this the beginning and the end of all our searching.




Yes, rather a bold statement in the eyes of many. And yet it is my Truth.

My search began a long time ago, with failing health as a catalyst.

At first it simply was a search for health, prompting me to look outside the box of conventional medicine to find answers to my own particular challenges. Unknown to myself at the time, I was led onto my �spiritual journey�. There was this inner restlessness, a constant questioning, a pushing that would not allow me to just accept that �I just had to learn to live with it�. Something just did not seem right and I kept looking. Again and again I was guided to where I could find answers, either through teachings in seminars, or books, or just simply a remark someone made, etc. In addition I was always led to those who could help me. (When the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear).

It was a demanding journey. Along its way I encountered many challenges and had to make many decisions. I learned about this thing called gut feeling, inner knowing, intuition or whatever you might want to call it.

I was given a very helpful tool which guided me to the decision right for me.
In question was a choice I had to make, and I felt pulled in different directions. My own feeling, what I really wanted to do, was to quit something I was involved in. It was dragging me into depression, leaving me constantly tired and exhausted. My own desire to quit was strongly opposed by friends, my own Ego and in fact a big part of a community who felt I was needed and had to carry on �for the sake of the community�.

It was in this time of inner turmoil that a wise Lady told me to ask myself �What is it I really want?� and then to listen for the answer in my heart. If the answer is �I really Want to do this, I am excited about it� then, and only then, is it the right thing for me to do. If, on the other hand the answer is something like �I really should do this, people depend on me, I will hurt someone if I don�t, etc.� it is a very clear NO. She also made me aware that answers of this kind always come out of the head, NEVER from the heart.

So why is that so important? Well, as humans we are guided by two main energies � the energies of FEAR (our human aspect) and the energies of LOVE (our spiritual aspect).

As you already know, FEAR energies are of the low vibrational kind. They are the ones we want and need to release in order to raise our own vibrations. They are also what prevent us from becoming aware of Who we really Are, and how we can reconnect to that knowledge. So it follows that those are the ones we would like to discard. But how to do that?

Again we have a choice. We can choose to make it easy or difficult. Unfortunately, since the consciousness of humanity believes that the only way �Home� is through suffering, we often choose to make it difficult. Generally we are not even aware that we have a choice. WE DO. I wished I had known that some 20years ago!

As it was I took the long and difficult road. Along the way I discovered one fear after the other. Gradually I learned to face them; to gather all the courage I could muster and walk right through them. Therein lies the secret. We tend to close our eyes to and tolerate our fears as a part of Life. We just accept that we are afraid of this, or we don�t like that, or I could never do that, or I have always been like that, therefore I just have to live with it. Worse yet, we don�t even allow our fears to come into our consciousness but keep them pushed down or aside, so that we don�t have to acknowledge them. All this time those fears govern our actions, lead us to make decisions, and direct us in our daily choices (not choosing is also a choice) and WE ARE NOT EVEN AWARE OF IT.

So a very important step in finding the answer to � Who you really are� is to acknowledge your fears. Let�s look for a moment at the definition of FEAR:
F � False AND F � Face it
E � Evidence AND E � Evaluate it
A � Appearing AND A � Act on it
R � Real AND R � Release it

Implementing this in your daily life leads to clearing up the layers and layers of fear-induced patterns and old beliefs that so far have kept you apart from the AWARENESS OF WHO YOU REALLY ARE.

In order to further help you do this, I would like to impart another tool. Due to the raised energies we now live in, our thoughts and words are EXTREMELY powerful. This means that if you voice your WILLINGNESS and INTENT to face and release your fears, and then ask the source energy, your angels, your guides, etc. (you may substitute your own terms here) for help, it happens.

Give it a try and if you wish, let me know what occurs.

My Light and Love are with you. Lilo

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