Trilliums in Northern Ontario
Northern Ontario



Spirituality and Self Help
LOVE's Open House


In 1981 I began performing reflexology, and had wonderful results. It was about one year later that I noticed a change in my attitude. I began hoping my clients would forget their appointments. I would start getting tired when they arrived, but tried not to show it. I was getting concerned. Am I getting lazy? Am I not motivated any more? Even though I was getting fantastic results, I did not want to do it any more.

A course in shiatsu was being offered, and that excited me for a short while. It soon began to tire me, just as reflexology had. Then came Mariel healing. It didn�t take me long to see a pattern. As soon as boredom set in, I knew something quicker, easier, and more energy �efficient than the last was on its way to me.

Therapeutic Touch, dream analysis, palliative and pastoral care, the Integrated Awareness Technique, rescue work, the Results System, the Natural Process, and so many more techniques, systems, and practices were learned and applied.

It was wonderful to be qualified in so many techniques, but it became more and more difficult to market myself. �What do you do?� a potential client would ask. I didn�t know what to say. Many were overwhelmed and actually feared me when I told them my qualifications.

I asked my students, clients and friends to describe me. �Teacher, guru, healer, psychic, clown, minister, dolphin lady and more� were the replies. One student gave we a wonderful gag gift-business cards that said, �Caroline, JUST Caroline�

The day a friend called to ask for my help to find an acronym for her new business was the day I learned how LOVE would describe or label me � LOVE said I was a S.H.E.P.H.E.R.D.

S piritual
H uman
E mpowering
P eople�s
H earts
E verywhere to
R emember their
D ivinity

WOW! (I was humbled!) I was in awe of this interpretation of shepherd. I�m in awe but I don�t think this is going to work with everyone.

Some would ask, �Do you have sheep?� �Sometimes we do,� I would reply, telling them of my sweetheart�s love of animals.

I continued to struggle with LOVE�s label; then I realized each and every one of us is a S.H.E.P.H.E.R.D.!

We all have a flock-a group of people who follow us, look up to us for help, protection, guidance-parents, teachers, religious leaders, police, even politicians could be considered S.H.E.P.H.E.R.D.s.

Can you imagine what the world would be like if each of us acted as � Spiritual Humans Empowering People�s Hearts Everywhere to Remember their Divinity!

What a different world we would make!

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