Trilliums in Northern Ontario
Northern Ontario



Spirituality and Self Help

Through The Arbor with Ravenwolph

Do you listen to the �voices�?

How often have you drifted through life as if you were on a treadmill, always wondering if there was something else �out there� for you? Or was there a special �someone� who was always waiting around the corner for you to find? Better yet, did you mull over the bad things, pour your heart into dwelling into what �could have been�?

I bet you nodded your head a few times going through that paragraph. Those instances are a part of life that has become normal to most of the population. We�ve become desensitized to ourselves, to our surrounding, caught up in the general grind of the life, thinking that we all must follow a set pattern brought about by whatever forces rule our individual lifestyles.

For some, this is the pursuit of financial wealth, for others its finding the love of a lifetime that will satisfy and give meaning to who we are and our existence. Everyone has their own life plan. But for most, we are caught up in this existence that is only lived on one plane and our minds refuse to reach past the ordinary and into what could ultimately change the entire essence of ourselves and in the end, the direction of which we choose to walk.

All of this may sound as if I�m telling you that what you are currently doing is wrong, or the path you are on, is not the right path. Well, I�m not. What I�m asking you, is simply this: �Do you hear the voices?� Not the ones you think about in scary movies and the ones that whisper from under the bed.I mean the voices in your own daily life, the little words of wisdom that you say to yourself, or better yet, that little �feeling� you get in the pit of your stomach when you know what to do and how to do it. Maybe it�s just knowing who is going to call you or when you are about to see someone you have not seen in years.

To bring this all home and a little more personal, I�m going to tell you a smidgen about what life used to be like for me. I was someone caught up in the wheel, or the great cog, you know the one � the one where we all must *be the same* we all must earn a living and bring home X amount of dollars, raise a family and smile and be happy at social gatherings. I smiled and went through life living a lie for almost a decade but I continued doing so because I knew no other way. I lived with someone who had no spiritual values and it left me hiding my own beliefs and strengths in the closet not to be seen. I heard the voices but I ignored my better judgment and I continued to get more and more lost in life and my health was failing miserably. In essence, I was not living life, I was simply waking up each day and being whoever was expected of me. People would arrive in my life and I saw the signals, the messages that told me I had to change, and yet I continued to dismiss them. Some of the messages where VERY loud, but still, the cog was holding me tight and I continued walking the same path.

Out of the blue, I met 2 very important people and we developed a friendship that has spanned 2 countries and continued to grow. Along the way, they taught me the importance of hearing what the universe is telling you. They introduced me to an author named James Redfield and his writing ultimately altered the course of my life the moment I had read through the first few chapters.

I�m not saying that this is a cure all for all situations, but inevitably we all create the reality we are living in. Each of us has the strength and will to change where we are and wisdom to do what is right for you and this is always there in your grasp. You just have to be able to hear what is being said and know in your heart that what you are hearing is true. What we all choose to forget in our daily lives, is that we ultimately control our own destiny. These voices are the ones that belong to you and propel you along your journey and if you take the time to listen, you may end up where you always wanted to be from the beginning.

Most of what I�ve said can be discovered in your very own backyard. I�m not going to preach the writing of Redfield and go into long explanations on the process, this is something that you must do on your own if you wish to. I simply want to open the doorway a bit and show you, that no matter how bleak you think things are or if you are waiting for someone to come into your life to change it, that you have to open your mind and realize that only you can change where you are right now. Only you have the ability to move yourself, your soul and your existence in this world into the place where you are and can be your very best.

Take a second out of your day today and simply look around while you are driving to work. What do you see? What do you hear? And what does your mind tell you. Step out of the wheel and listen to your heart.

Where will you be tomorrow?




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