Trilliums in Northern Ontario
Northern Ontario



Spirituality and Self Help

Light and Love with Lilo Garich 
The Diary of a Journey

Part lI


A Spiritual Being, living a Human Experience?

Just what do I mean by that? Am I not Lilo Garich, a human being, separate and apart from every other person, although my actions to some extent affect those around me? That�s, after all, what we have rules and laws for � moral rules, spiritual rules, rules that make sure we are politically correct, etc.

Here is what I think. Every human being comes from the same source. We are actually all ONE, all connected, rather than separate human beings as we are taught � first by our well-meaning parents and relatives, then later through interaction with friends, still later in the school system. Peer pressure, in other words conforming with what the majority believes to be �in�, is a big part of everyone�s life. Who wants to be called a chicken after all? Is this what I mean by We are all One?

No, actually totally the opposite. But let�s look at it from a different point of view.

Once we start asking the question WHO AM I, we have already lived many years, often almost a lifetime, believing that we ARE the Person that carries our name. That is where we have put our identity, that is who we identify with when we say �Hi, I am Lilo Garich�. To carry this forward, in our society this is immediately followed by the question �What do you do?�. The answer to which is automatically added to �Who we are�.

Asking THE QUESTION then often leads us on what we usually call our spiritual path. We are elated and take much pride in the fact that we are becoming more and more aware that there is more to life than we at first realized, that there is such a thing as the Universe, the Source Energy, the Creator, God or whatever name you put to it. Of course, many of us have been taught about God and religion throughout life. This only adds other dimensions of confusion as we travel along that spiritual path, seeking answers to those questions that won�t allow us to leave things alone. We are becoming aware that some parts of the teachings we have received just don�t jive; they just don�t feel right anymore. Something is amiss with that vision of someone bigger than ourselves, high up on that pedestal, who guides us with a loving but iron fist, promising us everlasting life in heaven if we behave, and an eternity languishing in hell if we don�t.

I have witnessed many difficult and heart-wrenching struggles of people trying very hard to come to terms with those teachings and what they felt deep inside themselves to be their truth.

No one on this so-called spiritual journey can avoid at least some struggle leading up to the moment of realization that there is no separation, that there is no one higher than ourselves, and that nor is there anyone below ourselves. There simply is no separation, we are all the same, we ARE ALL ONE. We all come from the same source, we are all sparks of the same light. And who is that source? Again we will have as many answers to this as there are people. I will share my own with you. I like to refer to this source as the source energy. It makes it easier for me to picture myself as part of it, as a spark of this great light. I believe that as long as we travel in our human bodies we are not able to understand and comprehend the full scenario. Being a spiritual being in a human body requires us to accept that we cannot understand it all.

It is a dichotomy. There was a time when, in order to be able to �understand�, I looked at myself as a Duality. I saw the human me, and then acknowledged that there also was a part of me that was spiritual. I became aware that the spiritual part was growing stronger. I was learning to make more and more decisions based on the love energies, which of course is that spiritual part of me. This in turn lead to a battle. The human part of me, governed by the fear energies � some call it the EGO � had absolutely no intention of giving up the driver�s seat in that vehicle called Lilo. Yes, that�s how I eventually came to see myself. The spiritual part of myself climbing into the vehicle called Lilo at birth, using it to carry me through life. Except that for the first part of my life Lilo, the human, was in full charge, dragging the spiritual part along to wherever it wanted to go. This slowly changed and the spiritual part was starting to give directions. I am not kidding when I say that the human Lilo did not give up easily. It�s after all not easy for anyone to give up the driver�s seat in order to be relegated to the backseat. Just ask any driver of the family car.

As Lilo, the car, was increasingly guided by its spiritual component, I realized that my understanding of the �spiritual journey� was slowly changing. I became aware that I was really no longer on a journey. The more I incorporated the lessons and knowledge I had gained along the way into everyday life, the more the journey became my way of living.

That�s where I believe I changed from a human being living a spiritual experience, to a spiritual being living a human experience. That was the moment of AWARENESS, of knowing who I really am.

Awareness that I am a part of the source, a co-creator of this experience I have chosen to live on earth.

I am a part of the source � with all the knowledge and powers of that source.
I am a part of the source � and as such am ONE with everyone and everything.
I am a part of the source � connected to all. Because of that connection every one of my actions affects everyone and everything.

Just think for one moment of even the slightest meaning of this statement. Every one of my actions, including my thoughts, words, as well as deeds, affects every other human on earth, every animal, plant, mineral, etc., as well as the universe.

That�s because WHO I AM is



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